Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wow - February is nearly half over! How did that happen? How did the year get six weeks along without another post? Quite simply - I didn't have a good computer situation at home. I was using an old laptop with a mouse and monitor because the track pad and screen were broken. Then Ree brought home her father's old computer and it died. I may have done it when I got upset when she wouldn't get off of it when I told her to and cut the power to it off in a fit of mom anger.

Now I have a new inexpensive, but nice computer. It has media readers so I will be able to put pictures up easily, barely lifting a finger. The better computer has three times the RAM than my original computer's hard drive.

Perhaps you are wondering how the unpacking is going? Slow, but still going. I will soon be posting some pictures. These days I am trying to work on the shelves that should just be holding craft and sewing supplies. It is going to look fabulous when I'm done.

Others of you may be wondering about the kitties? They are still having fun, and we have discovered that one of them has a fondness for breads and pastries - especially corn muffins - and we have to be careful not to leave any food on the table, or on the counter where she can get to it. All corn muffins go in the refrigerator now. Our "babies" are probably full-sized, but still act very kittenish, perhaps because they each have a built-in playmate.

I'll post again after the weekend's unpacking; I don't have any Valentine's Day plans, but maybe you do?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to post something quickly today since it is January 1st! Guess what my New Year's Resolution is? You got it! My big resolution is to finish unpacking!

Here are a few smaller resolutions:
  1. Make more muffins
  2. Find other uses for muffin tins - ideas anyone?
  3. Reduce my tin collection by half
  4. Organize all my craft supplies to fit on the intended shelves
And in case you were wondering, here are a few things done lately:
  1. My younger daughter's winter jacket found, thankfully still fits
  2. Many school supplies organized by type
  3. My iron found after I borrowed my mother's
  4. My 10-cup coffee maker found which my mother used when she had company
  5. Lots of boxes recycled, some left where someone moving might find them
  6. More room for the kitties who are enjoying racing around the apartment
  7. Some items I had for other people have gone to those other people
More has been done, but I have got some stuff to do before I head to bed.

Again - Happy New Year!!!!!!