Monday, September 7, 2009

Flea Markets and Photographs

Sunday I went to the flea market. I left with 89 tins and came home with about 75. I also sold a couple of my friend Rose's vintage aprons, but nothing else. It seems that flea markets aren't working out so well for me. Someone suggested eBay, but I don't think I'm organized enough. The plan now is to have a yard sale so I'm working on setting a date. I have been sewing a lot this week, but unpacking will be in full swing next week.

Ree had some more success with photo entries at another fair, taking home some pretty ribbons. She has a couple of more fairs that we have the photos printed out already, then next year she might not decide to do any at all. It's been exciting to see her work in public and get feedback; the ribbons have just been a bonus.

Not much news to report on the kitties, except the usual cuteness and high energy. This morning I had to rush to the pet supply store because I ran out of dry food. Yesterday morning it seemed as if we had enough to last through this morning, but we didn't so I just gave them canned food this morning until I returned with a fresh bag of food. I brought back a couple of new toys from the sale bin so they are very happy now.