Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No Box of the Week Yet, But....

Today have unpacked several boxes, and when I've gotten to the middle of each one I have thought, "This box would have been a good container of the week." What would make them good candidates? Each box had an odd assortment of items as if the stuff was just thrown in there willy-nilly. It's not surprising because many of my boxes were packed in a hurry, either while I was moving, or just before some event such as company coming when I was just trying to get stuff out of the way.

Some things I've found today:
  • photographs which I've put in a box of photos
  • a playbill and tickets from a 2004 production of the Nutcracker, most of which I've put in the recycling bin
  • a satiny sleeping cap which I think came from my friend Rose's stuff which has gone into my box of clothing for a yard sale or donation
  • a manual for Sims people program from several years ago
  • a box of junk and costume jewelry
  • a music box which smells a little musty inside and has some costume jewelry inside
  • a pair of cream color tights which I think nobody will miss when they go in the trash
  • two 33 cent stamps

Some other unpacking news:

  • I finally figured out how to utilize a file cabinet that the not-so-brilliant movers blocked with an air conditioner: I moved my bureau over a couple of inches and then angled the file cabinet since I can't really move it myself. I cannot move the air conditioner, but hope to have someone help me put it under the window where it will go next summer. Then I will cover the box with a tablecloth or pretty piece of fabric.
  • A friend of mine has offered to help me put together a bookcase so I just have to go buy one.
  • I found the cord to plus my printer in, and now just need the cord that goes to the computer and I will be able to print at my house again! I can, however, print photos from memory cards now!
  • The kittens continue to enjoy the empty boxes that I hav given them.
  • The kittens have become more and more attached to Ree; I seem to be nothing other than the one that feeds them, scoops their litter, and gives them treats.