Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Kittens are Now Six Months Old!

The kittens are six months old, and very sweet and a little bit rascally, just as kittens are supposed to be. I will post a picture of one or both next time I post.

The unpacking continues, but too slow for me. For about a week and a half my whole life seemed to revolve around sick people. I don't mean sick as in crazy or demented, but sick as in having a really bad cold or food poisoning. I had a little cold, or just nasty allergies; it's hard to tell this time of year.

I hope to begin my "Container of the Week" series within a day or two. I was going to call it a box, but I have bags and baskets as well so this will be less limiting.

I'm going to leave this post short, and go to bed. Tomorrow I have to get up earlier than usual.


  1. Me Too ! I have been sick for a week now , not the demented kind, allergies I think. Now taking drugs for the sinus infection that was left behind.
    Progress comes not from the end result ,but,by each step that is taken forward.

  2. Thanks for the good words. I trust you are feeling better now?


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