Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Flea Market was NOT Helpful

On Sunday morning I left my house with high hopes. I was going to unload most of the tins, and sell some of the other wares as well. It was to be decluttering heaven. Instead, the flea market was not helpful. Not only did I not make a profit, I came home with almost everything I set out with. You may be wondering how many tins I sold - twelve! Somehow, even though I sold those twelve I have more than I started with. My mother found some tins that my father had bought on eBay years ago, so I took some of those as well. I think that out of twelve tins, seven were one that my father purchased.

On top of not having a successful day, I came home to wild kitties. They are not used to being alone so long, and they don't particularly care for it. They are not allowed the run of the house when we are gone for more than an hour or two. As you may have imagined, they came bounding out, spending the next twenty minutes or so careening on slims paths between boxes. So I fed them their canned food which slowed them down for a few moments.

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