Monday, December 14, 2009

Major Progress!

In the last three weekends I have finally gotten help from my older daughter's friend (I'll call her H.). I am thrilled to report that we have made major progress! We have worked on the kitchen, dining room, and living room. We have thrown out about 6-8 bags of trash, recycled an enormous amount of paper and cardboard, and put aside 5 boxes for donations, 4 of which have already been dropped off. Stuff that is remaining is getting more organized as well, meaning that it will take up less space. The kitties love being able to chase each other almost from one end to the other!

Not only have we done that, H. put my Christmas tree up yesterday, and it is now awaiting decorations. I now have 3 trees - a big one that my mother used last year and will use again this year, a nice pre-lit tabletop one that is in storage, and the one that is up at my house. The last one was bought for use at a Christmas party, along with some shatterproof bulbs. Although I have hundreds of Christmas ornaments, many in storage, I am going to use the shatterproof ornaments because one kitten thinks the tree is food, and the other thinks it is her property.

I know this post is short, but I wanted to take a few minutes to post this update. More details will follow, especially as I make more progress.